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Our Deliciousness fans know what to do when it comes to baking. This super simple recipe for a Deliciousness filled poptart comes from Gina Schlosser and her blog

•1 ready made pie crust
Deliciousness of your choice - this recipe uses Desert Blueberry Gin Deliciousness 
•1 egg (optional)
•powdered sugar
•lemon juice
•food coloring (optional)

 Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees. Unroll your pie crust (KISS Tip: put down parchment paper first for easy counter/pan clean up. Using a sharp knife, cut the 2 circles down to rectangles. Give the side scraps to your kids and let them make worms or whatever (i.e. keep them occupied while you assemble). I can usually cut the 2 larger rectangles into about 16 smaller rectangles. This will then yield 8 small poptarts. Put a spoonful of jam in the middle of half of the rectangles, then brush the edges with the egg. The egg isn't totally necessary since you're pressing the edges later, but i like to do it. Old habits. Place another rectangle over top and then use a fork to press the edges. Pole a few holes in the tops too. Transfer them to your cookie sheet and bake for about 12-15 minutes.

The glaze is just a mixture of powdered sugar, a touch of lemon juice and enough milk to get a slightly runny consistency. You can add food coloring if you'd like. Let the poptarts cool completely before glazing, but add the sprinkles right away before the glaze hardens. Enjoy! I mean, give them to your friends to show them how much you care.

breakfast deliciousness kid-friendly mommyblog parenthood pasteries pastry poptart

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