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Cherry Lime Spritz

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Had some friends over to kick off the porch sitting season. Mixed up a Cherry Lime spritz and they seemed to like them, maybe you will too.

Makes 4 drinks
•4oz Vodka
•1 TB Sparkling Cherry Lime Deliciousness
•2 Tsp Cherry syrup from Bourbon Cocktail Cherries
•1 TB cherry concentrate (I use @wejuicecherries )
•1/2 a lime squeezed
•Gingerbeer - A couple cans or bottles 
•Sparkling water

•Lime wedge
Bourbon Cocktail Cherry

Shake everything except the ginger beer and sparkling water in a shaker and strain into ice filled glasses.

Fill 1/2 of the remaining space in the glass with Ginger Beer (I used @fevertreemixers) and 1/2 with sparkling water (I used @sanpellegrino_official ) . Top with lime wedge and one of our Bourbon Cocktail Cherries.
💥 🍒

bourbon cherry cherries cocktail cocktail cherry drinks mocktail

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