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Classic PB&D

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Seems like this one is TOOOOO simple to post, but hey you know, we all have to start somewhere and right behind Toast is the PB&J for what to do with preserves. This grade school lunchbox feature gets a glow up by swapping the corn syrup regular for some good quality preserves. 

PB&D - That's peanut butter and Deliciousness in case you don't know

•2 pieces of good quality bread
•Nutbutter of your choice. But if you pick Almond it's now an AB&D and people might get confused but you do you.
Deliciousness of ANY flavor

Slather one side of a piece of bread with your nut butter, the other one with Deliciousness of your choice (Desert Blueberry Gin featured here) put the two together and enjoy. 

Protip - PB&D's are not only classics, they are also timeless in that you can put it in your backpack and eat it a week later and it's still good. Maybe even better. :)

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